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Going Fast on the Mobile Web

By Jason Grigsby

Published on June 4th, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at Web Visions on two topics that I am passionate about: mobile and web performance.

The presentation was entitled Going Fast on the Mobile Web. Included in the presentation is the first results from our Mobile Browser concurrency test and some of the conclusions we’ve been drawing from the test results.

The response from people who attended the session was positive:

Alsymer: Really enjoyed @grigs’ optimizing mobile session … most useful of all the sessions I’ve been to so far at WebVisions=

davemerwin:@grigs needs to do a workshop next year

mfriesen: @grigs mobile session was excellent. Much useful knowledge.

buchino: mobile web presentation was great… guy (@grigs) knows a lot.

I was extremely pleased to hear that people enjoyed the presentation. I’ve been attending Web Visions for years and have seen both good and bad sessions. I was determined to make sure no one walked out of the room without learning something.

(As an aside, how wonderful is it to have feedback via Twitter for presenters to know what they’ve done right and what they need to improve on?)

Speaking at WebVisions alone would be remarkable, but something truly unexpected happened after the slides got posted online. They seemed to strike a cord with people. The presentation was selected as Slideshare’s Slides of the Day. It was featured on the O’Reilly Radar, Ajaxian and quite a few other sites.

A comment made during the presentation even made it to the top of Fast Company’s home page as their Big Idea of the Day.

There will be one mobile phone per child long before there is one laptop per child.

To date, the slides have been viewed 9,598 times, downloaded 677 times, favorited by 69 people, and embedded on 47 web sites.

I’m very grateful and humbled by the attention the presentation has received. I’m most excited about the conversations that it has spurred. I’ve got much more to write about and share based on the conversations during Web Visions and after.

Thanks to everyone who attended the session or read the slides online. I appreciate you taking the time to take a look at what we’re doing and why we believe the mobile web is so important.

Here are the slides themselves:
