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What We Believe

By Jason Grigsby

Published on November 26th, 2007


Despite the fact that we’ve worked together for years, the first thing we did when starting Cloud Four was to make sure that we shared the same values and beliefs. We spent a weekend defining what we expected of each other and who we wanted to be in our relationships with our customers and employees.

Recently, we had a customer tell us that what he valued most about working with us was that he knew that he always got the straight scoop. He said that he knew that we would tell him the truth and give him the best advice even when it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but instead was what he needed to hear.

There is little feedback that a client could give us that would make us happier. Honesty and integrity top the list of things that we value. Here are some others:

  • We believe that the world is an abundant place. We believe that the world reciprocates generosity. Therefore, we are optimistic about our work and the people we work with.
  • We believe that openness and transparency are the foundations of trust. We will answer any question you have. We will explain how we do what we do and provide visibility into what we are doing every step of the way.
  • We believe in vigorous discussion. Ideas can be tested and challenged without becoming personal. And only through this discussion can the best ideas be found.
  • We believe that our success is tied to the success of our larger community. Our business is nothing more than the people in it, the customers we work with, and the community we live in. Business = People. It’s that simple.
  • We believe that culture is key. Our culture is the embodiment of our values. We treasure our culture and use it to guide our growth.
  • We believe that we can make a difference. We make a difference in the lives of our customers, employees, and community. Call it naive idealism if you like, but we still believe that a small group of dedicated people can change the world.

Finally, we know that we have the best jobs in the world. We love what we do, and we have fun doing it.

If these values resonate with you, you’re likely a dream client or a future employee. Either way, we’d love to hear from you.